Our last couple of posts have been about the North Carolina 4-H Volunteer Leaders Association (NC4-HVLA) Annual Conference. As the writer of this post I can say I have been attending for more than 20 years and it is a great training that all of our adult volunteers should want to attend. However, that doesn't give you the inside or new perspective to this. One of the 4-H Volunteers from Burke County, Lisa Hanlon, brought some really cool stuff for the country store (a fundraiser for the NC4-H VLA where folks donate items to be sold). She also came up with this really neat idea surrounding some 3-D printed items she has made. Bear with me as I explain this. She made little farm animals and put them in plastic balls. She then filled a gum ball machine with these balls. Folks paid 50 cents (with proceeds going to the organization) to turn the knob and see what they might get. The surprise in this is that if they got one of three 3D-printed Baby Lucky Dragons (as they are known in the 3D world) they would win a larger one that she had made. The first one went to April Houston from Lenoir County. She named her dragon Clover, and an idea was born. Since this was Clover's first NC4-HVLA Conference we thought we should document it and share this experience with you. "As a first time attendee and first time Baby Lucky Dragon attending this conference I was not sure what to do or where to go. Everyone was so nice, and different volunteers from different counties took me under their wing (or sometimes over their shoulders) and showed me around. My adventure started at the registration desk where I met Mom. For those of you who don't know Mom, she is a Cumberland County Volunteer that has been doing this for more than 60 years. She has 4-H stories to tell from when she was a member all the way up to today. She told me about the conference and got me through the check in process with little muss or fuss. Ms. Pam from Lee County was there to help her. She told me about staff and volunteers and how important adult volunteers are to every county 4-H Program. She also told me she was glad I was there and came to see them. I told you they were all super nice. At the registration desk I got my badge, a really cool goody bag, and they let me get goodies. Maybe they had never been with a Baby Lucky Dragon before but I was excited when they said I could have treats. So being enthusiastic I might have jumped in head first to get some sweet treats. That's when I met the 4-H Agent from Robeson County, Ms. Shea Ann. She told me that sometimes we need to think about others and jumping in head first might not be necessary, that I should get a few and if I eat them all I can come back to get more but I need to share to make sure all the nice people could get some. She made a lot of sense and I am going to practice what she called social skills and really good manners. See I'm already learning things and I am still at the check in area. Can't wait to see what is in store for me today.In my bag was a program book and it had all sorts of workshops in it. I was very excited to attend a lot of them. I can tell you about my two favorite ones; the electric workshop, and the International Exchange Program workshop. Everyone told me to be careful in the electric workshop and I sat next to a very nice volunteer who didn't let me get sauter on me and let me be the observer and learn from a little bit of a distance. During this workshop Grant Ellington gave an overview of the Electric Program and talked about Electric Congress which are really cool programs for the youth. Then everyone did the electric project for this year and got trained so they can do it in their counties when they go home. The International Exchange Program workshop was really neat. I can't say that I know my geography very well, or fun facts about other countries, or states, or even counties but I can tell you I learned a lot about this program and it is a great way for youth to learn about other customs, countries, and get a sense of the world around them. I also checked out other workshops on pollinators, mental health, poultry programs (those are programs with chickens and turkeys in them), and so much more. The very best part was meeting people from all over the state and learning about their favorite parts of 4-H. There is so much to learn and do. I'm not sure one conference is enough to learn it all so I am hoping I can come back next year.After attending some workshops I found my new mom and settled in for active listening and nap time. This is a lot of work and I am still young so I thought nap time would be a great thing. It also allowed all the fundraising to continue. I also slept right thru the working lunch (I'm telling you these folks are busy). The state met to vote on changes to the Constitution and ByLaws as well as elect state officers for this coming year. Then the districts met and discussed business and introduced officers who were elected at Fall Day. A lot was done over a box lunch that everyone seemed to feel accomplished on the business side of things.When I woke up it was time to help with a little fundraising. I did my best to highlight some of the silent auction items and get people to bid on them. There were really cool things like a golf set, pottery, bird house, hand made cutting board, vintage ornaments, a quilt and sooooo much more. My sales approach was to highlight various items and encourage people to bid. Sometimes I would have to let folks know that I was not part of the bid. I am sure they were disappointed but they still bid anyway and felt like the funds were going to a worthy cause, their association. All of this learning and marketing got me hungry so I found the most excellent hospitality room and decided to enjoy some healthy snacks. There was a lot there and I was asking how all of this happens. As it turns out each district has a different responsibility each year at the conference. One group is in charge of the silent auction and basket raffle. Another district handles the Country Store. One district helps out with registration and a district is in charge of hospitality and making sure the volunteers have what they need. Another group is in charge of decorating and I must say it was impressive how everyone pulled together to make this most excellent conference happen.After enjoying my snack I had a little time to do what the volunteers call networking. That is where you meet someone new, or even someone you know, and have time to talk and learn their story, new things going on with them or their programs, and how you can improve yours with ideas you gather from them. Here I was getting to know the current President of the NC 4-H VLA, Alfreda Williams and our opening speaker Tae Moore. This was an absolutely wonderful conversation that I just felt honored to be with these two wonderful folks. It inspired me to do more.I also had the privilege of going behind the scenes (thanks to some of the new friends I have made) and meeting Daniel Collins. He is with the State 4-H Staff and works closely with the volunteers to make all of this magic happen. He makes sure the volunteers have everything coordinated from presenter gifts to meals, to meetings, and even technology. He has his hands on the pulse of it all to support the volunteers in making it all happen. Back out at the registration desk I ran into Jessica Drake the 4-H Agent from Cumberland County and Ms Shea Ann again (that lady is everywhere with her camera). We had a nice chat and I got a couple of more sweet treats. So believe me when I say this conference is SWEEEEEETTTTTT!I had the pleasure of meeting Ms Diane from Halifax County. This was the first time I was able to be helpful to someone I had met at this conference and it was so exciting. She had bought tickets for the basket raffle and needed a little assistance in filling them out with her name. I don't know if you have noticed, but I don't have fingers so writing isn't my thing but I am good at supervising and cheering people on. So I cheered her on as she wrote her name a whole bunch of times, and spelled it right. It feels so good to be needed and helpful.
By the time I got back to my new family it turns out I gained a twin who has been named Bud. Get it? Clover and Bud-Cloverbud! (I heard you giggle). Well that's just the beginning of this story and if you are a Robeson County 4-H person, in any capacity you might want to read the rest of this for BIG news. Carrie Hughey a volunteer from Henderson County won the third Baby Lucky Dragon. She gave it to the Robeson County 4-H Agent, that Ms Shea Ann I keep telling you about. Apparently there is a story about no drama with a llama from last year's conference (y'all I wish I had been there because the stories these folks can tell are publishing worthy) and it made this very nice lady who won an awesome prize actually give it to someone else.
I am thinking Ms. Carrie might have known what would happen because for those who witnessed this a very reserved lady's (Ms. Shea Ann) eyes went wide, she squealed with glee, giggled, and even did a little chair tap dance when she was given the news that the last Baby Lucky Dragon was being gifted to her. Folks I did not know what pure joy looked like before and I am positive that must be what it looks like. The new addition to Robeson County 4-H needed to be named and ideas were tossed in and out, phones were activated and the all knowing Google was asked. In the end it was the inspiration of two Robeson County 4-H Volunteers (who weren't even at the conference) where my new best friends name came from. Meet Trifolium. Trifolium is actually the Latin name for Clover. Fancy, right?Plans were made and my new best friend and I swung an invitation to the pinnacle event for the conference-the awards banquet. We were on our best behavior (not speaking for the troll on my head) as folks ate, came by and introduced themselves to us, and allowed us to make the rounds at their tables to meet them. We also got a chance to learn about the great work the award winners do in their counties or supporting the 4-H programs back home. It was a fantastically elegant night. The volunteers also announced the basket raffle winners and silent auction winners. Tomorrow we will find out about the success of the fundraisers which I got to help with and I am so proud.My friend Trifolium got a chance to meet the Robeson County delegation and they even let him join in the official county photos. Don't they all look good together? I think this will be the first of many photos for my best friend and know in between visits I will get to see him on Instagram, Facebook, and more social media sites. For me it has been a long day and I am headed for a good night's rest (as soon as I am finished with this post). Although in the future you may hear more from my friend I plan on finishing out my experience at this incredible conference tomorrow and sharing it with you. I have also aready asked about coming back next year and I think that is a distinct possibility. Don't you want to meet us there?
Until tomorrow...sleep well and know that the fun is still going on at the NC 4-H VLA Annual Conference where we keep climbing to greatness!"
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