One of the fun things at the NC 4-H VLA conference is the basket raffle. This is when counties donate a theme basket and folks buy tickets and place them in bags next to the baskets. At the end of the night a ticket is drawn from each bag to reveal the lucky winner of each basket. The money raised supports the state VLA.
This year it was the Southeast District's turn to do the basket raffle. Each county was asked to bring a basket or two for the auction. This year Robeson County 4-H Volunteers brought two offerings. An Instant Pot Basket and the Ultimate 4-H Basket. See the photos below to the see what is in each basket.
The QR Code on the second list takes folks to this post to learn more about the baskets. It is also our way to ask folks to support the NC4-H VLA and buy tickets for these and the other fabulous basket offerings at the conference.
Stay tuned to more posts about this great volunteer training and what happens at the conference. Stay tuned you won't want to miss it (but we're afraid if you're not will miss out on some fabulous basket offerings this year-Sorry!).
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