The 4-H County Council was celebrating today. Celebrating you ask? Yes we were celebrating
National Dairy Month and what better place to do that but Dairy Queen, on the birthday of this business.

Partnering with a new partner is always fun, and when you can bring technology in to offer a fun and educational experience, well it turns into a win-win for everyone. Thanks to a grant our 4-H program was able to purchase three sets of VR googles. Each is loaded with four 3-D videos of the milk process from the nursery on the farm, to milking cows, loading milk trucks, testing, and bottling all before it lands in the grocery store and then your refrigerator. The videos are an immersive experience and everyone who tried the googles enjoyed them.

The County Council members did a great job of getting customers to try the experience and in the end were rewarded with an DQ cake, made especially for Dairy Queens birthday that we were celebrating that day.

If you are interested in experiencing the VR educational experience please contact our 4-H Agent, Shea Ann DeJarnette at Shea_Ann_DeJarnette@ncsu.edu
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