Day two of 4-H Citizenship Focus and our appointment list is full for the day. After breakfast we headed to the capitol to meet with members of the House and Senate. Swarming the Legislature in Green shirts there was no denying that 4-H was in the House (and Senate). Our local lawmakers were gracious to spend a few minutes with us. Senator Danny Britt had a day of meetings but took time to pose and speak with our County delegates. His assistant took us for a tour of the floor of the Senate and showed us some unique architectural features to the Senate Chambers.

Next on our list, representative Charles Graham. He took a moment and invited us to watch the Representatives in session from the gallery of the House Chambers. While we were there our 4-H members were recognized by the Speaker of the House twice. After watching two bills become law the session ended and our delegation headed to see Representative Brendon Jones. Although busy with calls he took a few moments to take us on the floor and give us a little background to his history in the legislature and what is coming up. After that we spent some more time conversing with Representative Charles Graham talking about opportunities in Government and future rolls that our delegates can have in government.

Upon returning to the Sheraton we had lunch and then changed clothes for our Community Engagement project. Our delegation was assigned to the Food Bank. All the delegations assigned to the food bank learned a little about what the food bank does and then put their hands to work. The youth took multiple pallets loaded with cases of cheese. They had to unpack the boxes, label the individual cheese packages, and then repack them and load the pallets back up. After that was done we headed back to the Sheraton and our youth processed their projects and figured out how to make a similar impact back at home.

Then we had a little time for fun. Our delegation headed to dinner at a local restaurant, Beasley's Chicken and Honey. This is one of Ashley Christensen's, James Beard Award winner, restaurants. After a wonderful meal we took a walking pictorial tour of Raleigh to work off our meal and familiarize ourselves with our surroundings.

Upon returning to the hotel it was time for game night with our fellow 4-H members from around the state. I think it is fair to say a good time was had by all wether they won or lost. Still one more day to go, so after game night it was time to head to bed and get ready for our last day in the big city.
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