Thank you. Thank you to everyone who came out today for our blood drive in honor of Brooke Canady. Brooke is a member of Explore NC and Dirty Dozen 4-H Shooting Sports clubs. In March Brooke was in a motor vehicle accident. As a result of the accident she needed several units of blood and in the five surgeries to help repair broken bones from the accident she needed more blood. If the blood supply had not been in place Brooke might not have survived.

As a result her 4-H club members and leaders came together to partner with the Red Cross and host a blood drive at the NC Cooperative Extension, Robeson County Center office. Our goal was 25 units, but when it was all said and done the staff of four from the Red Cross worked constantly to obtain 36 units of blood today.
The best part of the entire experience was that Brooke was there and able to thank everyone for taking the time to donate. There is nothing as encouraging as meeting the person who was saved thanks to someone else's generosity, and is paying it back.
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