Napkins gently folded in the lap, adding sugar to tea, and drinking with your pinky in the air. That is what comes to mind when most folks say etiquette. When we say etiquette in 4-H that's not the reality of today's world and we want to make sure our youth are prepared for today's world. Knowing proper etiquette can do more than just make you feel comfortable in any social situation, it can be the difference into getting into college, and even obtaining a job. This is one of the reasons we conduct our
4-H Etiquette Day Camp.

For our youth we cover a variety of topics from how to dress for different situations, table manners, cell phone manners, and even thank you notes. Our day started with the 10 most rude manners to avoid. Then we did a little work on table settings so they would have a sense of what they were looking at when we got to the Carolina Hotel.

Pinehurst resort has been gracious enough to partner with us on the project for more years than I can count. They provide a youth friendly lunch; salad, boneless chicken breast, mashed potatoes, fresh vegetable, and dessert, served in three courses. The youth learn about glasses, bread plates, how to butter rolls, what utensils to use, and how to pass items around the table. They also learn about napkin etiquette, how to treat the wait staff, and that cell phones are not appropriate at the table. After an incredible lunch our youth were able to tour the kitchen and saw where the magic happens and learned a little bit about careers in the food industry.

When we returned we talked about appropriate dress for any and every occasion. We played a manners game, and worked on thank you notes. At the end of the day we hosted a mixer for parents. Our youth allowed their guests to go firsts, had to balance a cup with drink and plate with food while conversing with adults they had not met before, and engaged adults in conversation.
When the event was over each of our youth left with their own etiquette guide book so they will have something to refer to down the road, and parents can use it to practice with their children at home. We hope everyone in the family gets a little something out of this fun and educational day.
For more information about other Summer Day Camps please see our brochure at
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