It was a cool morning as our campers tried hard to stay in bed,
on their first full day at Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Camp. However what they found, after getting up, and making their beds was that breakfast was waiting. Who can resist pancakes and sausage for breakfast when the temperature outside is a mere 67 degrees?
After breakfast groups finished cleaning cabins and did their best to be prepared for cabin inspections. This is a very serious matter at BJP. After all the golden faucet, silver toilet seat, and bronze toothbrush are up for grabs.

Our campers are broken into groups by age. Our youngest campers are the head, heart, hands, and health groups while the middle age campers are in Earth and Sun, and the oldest are in Adventurer and Trekker. The younger campers split up among the activities and may have taken part in Archery, crafts, fishing, Horses, Creek Stomp, Kickball, Boulder wall, Canoeing, and a Beaver Hike. Our Trekkers spent the morning in canoes on the lake while our adventurers worked on teams courses and ground initiatives. Everyone also got a chance to jump in the pool which is probably everyones favorite activity, especially when the mercury climbed to 100 degrees.

Lunch was a big thrill for everyone as they had pizza, pepperoni and cheese. So there was something for everyone. After a morning out and about our campers were starving.
In the afternoon our groups split up again into activities that they had not done that morning. This time in the afternoon their break included the camp store! Campers got to choose from a variety of drinks (Powerades, water, sodas, and juices) and snacks (chips, popcorn, various ice creams and popsicles) to enjoy. As soon as they were done snacking their could play a variety of games in the rec hall. That always provides a certain sense of frenzied fun.

After finishing activities for the day it was time for the older campers to take a little rest while the younger campers headed to dinner. On the menu tonight? We let's call it taco Monday. Big platters with everything you need to make your own taco passed around on each table and all the campers got a chance to fill up before a busy night. After diner was over the younger youth got a chance to rest while the older youth ate,

Flag lowering marked the beginning of evening activity. But before we can do that we have to announce the winners of the cabin inspection. In third place winning the bronze toothbrush was Cabin 7, in second place winning the silver toilet seat was cabin 4, and in first place with the cleanest cabin at camp and winner of the golden faucet....Cabin 3. Just to give you a little more clarity cabins 1-4 are on the girls side while cabins 5 are on the boys side.

On the agenda tonight for our younger campers? Water sports. It is hard to say if the slip and slide, relay games, lake swim or pool swim was their favorite. After a wet and wild evening of rolling down hills and jumping and running it was time for evening snack and then off to the showers (because apparently they hadn't had enough water yet).
It didn't take long for showers and even less time to hear snoring after their heads hit the pillows. Knowing good and well they will be dreaming of their adventures tomorrow.