When I was young, summer didn’t mean vacation to me – it meant arguing with my parents for more time at home. In case you are wondering, I lost that argument every year. As soon as school was out my schedule was busy with swim lessons, tennis lessons, babysitting, and let’s not forget camp. My schedule was way more hectic in the summer, and I was sure my parents didn’t understand that this was my vacation time, time to relax, which to me meant vegging in the air conditioning, napping, and watching TV.
What I know now that I didn’t know then is my parents were smarter than I gave them credit for. You see, there is this thing called the Summer Slide, an actual study that proves a two-to-three-month loss in reading and other knowledge skills with children who aren’t engaged in the summer. Many experts say reading is the key to maintaining and increasing knowledge over the summer, while other studies show being engaged in non-formal youth development opportunities will also help stop this backslide.
What is great about non-formal youth development opportunities is that kids are having fun and learning at the same time. For example, let’s look at our recent 4-H Jr. Chef Day Camp. Our youth were learning how to cook, and gained knife handling skills and knowledge about farm-to-fork movements. Essentially, they had fun working in the kitchen making their own snacks, practicing math and reading skills by reading and calculating recipes for different numbers of people than the recipe was intended. At the end, our youth evaluate the program. Did you know while they were having “the most fun ever” that 100 percent of the youth increased their knowledge in the kitchen? Also, 100 percent of our youth reported that they tried a food new to them. What is even more important is what they plan or aspire to do, and 100 percent of our day campers feel they have the skills to cook for themselves or cook for others, like their family. They are confident in these skills and excited to practice at home with their parents. This is the part my parents always knew: the kids sitting at home in front of a TV did not learn these, or any other skills.

For more information, contact Shea Ann DeJarnette, Extension 4-H Youth Development Agent, at 910-671-3276, by email at Shea_Ann_DeJarnette@ncsu.edu, or visit our website.
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