Day four of Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Camp and we can't believe how time has flown by. This morning we were all dragging a little as the excitement, exercise and heat of the past days sort of kicked in. However our breakfast with french toasts sticks certainly didn't hurt jump starting our day so that we could experience things we hadn't seen before.

After flag raising our inspectors went to the cabins to inspect for the cleanest cabin while our campers worked on their daily schedules. There was creek stomping, fishing, arts and crafts and pool this morning. Our campers had smiles wherever we went and were having fun, or making their own fund along the way.

Time seems to be going by faster each day. Before they knew it, it was time for lunch. Chicken sandwiches, fries, salad and more. Each camper has a chance to be table waiter. They set the table, sit at the head, bring in the food on platters (they eat family style), get to serve themselves first, and help with cleaning up at the end of the meal.
After lunch and a little rest it was time to hit the camp trails again. Hiking to the beaver pond, doing a little Yoga stretching, and for the Trekkers and Adventurers...time to strike out on a very different activity.
Our Trekkers head to pilot mountain for canoeing and Rock Wall Climbing. This is a great test of teamwork and building self esteem and confidence. For our Adventurers they headed to outpost to pitch tents, cook their own dinner and have their own activities. Unfortunately a brief storm brought the Adventures back into camp where they had to eat dinner with the others and then enjoyed part of the evening activity until they headed back out, just before 8 pm.

Speaking of the evening activity, tonight was the talent show. We have a lot of talented kids at camp but from our group tonight we had singers, tumblers, and some dancers. Very impressive acts. Speaking of impressive the counselors had their own shtick going tonight. They did comedy acts, rap takedowns, and some impressive duets.
After the evening entertainment the campers headed back to their rooms and grabbed showers before hitting the hay. It will be our last full day of activities and we can't wait to see what is in store for them.
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