Its our l
ast day of 4-H Jr. Master Gardener Day Camp, and we still can't slow down! We have lots to do before we officially end our day. What our campers would mostly like is a day on the carpet playing but we need to offer them a little more than that so we can finish.

To start the day we needed to check on our hypothesis. Big word? Yes it is but we are gardening scientist. We have some daisies that have been in colored water since Wednesday and the theory was that they would change color based on the color water they are in. What we found was that they had started to change color on the backs of the petals, which was unexpected, and it was not as dramatic as we thought it might be. However it is still pretty cool.

We also checked on our vermicomposter and found the worms had seriously displaced their food. We went ahead and buried some vegetable and salad scraps and we are leaving Mr. Mack and Miss Shea Ann to check on them for us.

We did another recycling project and made our own paper pulp from scrap paper from the Extension office paper shredder and them made clover shaped seed cards. When they are dry we can give them as gifts and people can plant them and the paper is biodegradable (which means it will dissolve in the soil), and will become its own mulch protecting the sprouting seeds. It is sort of the perfect system.

We do have to admit we did have some time to get a little silly and perhaps Tristan got a new hairdo, and Luke learned about a new YouTube Chanel. We also went ahead and viewed the dairy via the VR goggles and that lead up to our big surprise. Today for snack we celebrated our graduation with Ice Cream! It was an awesome treat.

After snack we worked with some more seeds, avocado and apple seeds to be specific and each JMG took home seeds to start their own apple and avocado trees. After all sustaining our environment was a lesson they learned a variety of ways. We also worked with pineapples and showed our future JMG how to create new pineapple bushes....pretty cool huh?
Before we would have free time there was one more thing that had to be done, we checked off as many activities as we could as quickly as we could in our JMG handbooks which each camper gets to keep. We hope their certificates will get approved this week and we will be able to get their certificates mailed to them. After all they are now officially, Jr. Master Gardeners! Congratulations to each and everyone of them.
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