Today is the first day of our 4-H Jr. Master Gardener (JMG) Day Camp. The motto of this program is, " Growing Great Kids." what they didn't know when they started is that we would have great kids going in and when they get done they will have nationally certified Jr. Master Gardeners.

Our day started with some get to know you exercises then we talked about soil, and the difference between dirt and soil. If you are wondering what it is, we would suggest asking a JMG. Knowing the importance of soil we learned how to take soil samples and at the same time toured the JMG garden outside the Extension office.
When we came back in we did leaf rubbings and learned about different types of leaves. We also learned how to become plant detectives. We can decipher leaves, and learned the difference between healthy, diseased, and vegetables that have been attacked by bugs.

One of the major things we learned were about PLANTS. This is a code for all the things that a plant needs to survive. Did you know a hamburger is a plant? We all made our version of Hamburger plants and learned how every part of a hamburger is dependent on some type of plant life. To raise those plants we need soil, light, water, and nutrients. That is very important for other lessons we will learn.

Before lunch we had the chance to learn about composting and started our own vermicomposter. That is where worms consume vegetarian left overs and turn it into fertilizer. Our worms are very big and cool. We are excited about feeding them this week.

After lunch we learned about different types of soil and how soil is made up of clay, silt, and sand. We even touched stuff that felt like the soil components. Our afternoon snack focused on the different aggregates in soil and made a snack that mimicked our very own soil composition.

To help tie all our lessons for the day together we made plant people. Plant people are made in an unusual recycled container of a nylon knee high. Using grass seed, soil, rubber bands, googlie eyes, and permanent markers, we created a planter that will bring great joy. When our JMG's take them home and place the tail in water it will wick to the head and within a few days green hair, or grass will start growing.

At the end of the day we tested what we had learned with a team building exercise that involved weaving together the fragile balance that all life forms have on each other and learned how important our role is in that.
If you thought today was fun stay tuned...we have just sowed the seeds of learning.
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